Bringing Hope with YWCA Saskatoon: $19M Hope Lives Here Campaign

In September 2023, the YWCA Saskatoon launched the Hope Lives Here Campaign with an inspiring mission: to fund the expansion of their crisis shelter and residence—creating a safe haven for women and children who need it. This ambitious campaign seeks to raise $19 million, with significant funding already secured. The shelter expansion will more than double the current capacity and is set to open in December 2024.

The need for this expansion is undeniable. In 2022, YWCA Saskatoon had to turn away 4,253 women, children, and youth due to full capacity. These numbers highlight the critical need for additional resources and support for women and children in our community. The expanded shelter will provide not only more beds but also enhanced facilities and support services, ensuring a comprehensive approach to helping those in crisis.

Thanks to the generosity of numerous donors and supporters, the campaign has made significant progress and is nearing completion. This exceptional headway reflects the community's commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for those who require it. However, there is still work to be done to reach the ultimate goal of $19 million.

DCG is privileged to have served as the fundraising partner for the Hope Lives Here campaign. We believe in the transformative power of this project and are dedicated to assisting the YWCA Saskatoon in achieving its mission.

We invite you to join the YWCA Saskatoon in their important effort to reach their final goal. Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of many. Please get in touch with any DCG colleague to learn how you can get involved and contribute to the success of the Hope Lives Here campaign. Together, we can help ensure that hope truly lives here in Saskatoon.

Read more about this impactful campaign here.


Creating Change with Future Generations Foundation: $100M Beyond Reconciliation Campaign